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  1. Janie
    August 19, 2020 @ 8:10 am


    I worked as a full time employee for 3 months so i would count 7 days worked days per week?

    the other 3 months i was casual 3-7 days per week, would I then only count the hours worked?

    Am I right to say to count a full day of work would be 7.6 hours per day based on 38 hours per week?

    For example if 1 week I worked 32 hours, 32/7.6=4.2 days. Does the decimal matters?

    Thank you


    • Julian
      August 19, 2020 @ 8:19 am

      Hi Janie,

      thanks for the comment.
      In most industries if you worked 38hours a week you can count the whole week (7days).

      For casual you simply count the hours per week and see how many days of fulltime that would be. Decimals don’t matter, so just skip the 0,2days for your counting.
      Then it should be alright.

      Safe travels,



      • Janie
        August 19, 2020 @ 8:37 am

        Thanks Julian for your fast reply,

        So if I work more than 38 hours per week I still only count it as 7 days? Or can the extra hours count towards the shorter weeks?

        I’m working towards the 179 days of specified work and I don’t want to miss out or miscalculate any hours/days


        • Julian
          August 20, 2020 @ 12:29 am

          Hi Janie,

          yes you can’t carry over additional hours. So the maximum you can count for a weeks is 7 days.
          There is no option to take additional hours into the next week to fill up missing hours there.

          Cheers Julian


      • alan
        May 10, 2021 @ 11:24 am

        I am considering doing 6 months regional work through my current employer in Sydney for my third working holiday visa.

        I have been working as a carpenter on the construction of a new hospital in Maitland (postcode 2576) while this is not on the regional work list it is on the bushfire affected areas list and I am also starting work tomorrow in Cronulla, working on a new apartment block (postcode 2230) again not on regional list but is on bushfire affected areas list?

        Would this type of work in these areas count towards my 6 months to gain a third working holiday visa?

        Any help you can give would be much appreciated

        Thanks very much,


        • Julian
          May 11, 2021 @ 10:45 am

          Hi Alan,
          thanks for the comment.

          Depending on your working holiday visa (subclass 417 or subclass 462) it will most likely count.
          This is an example from the possible bushfire recovery work that you can do with 417:
          Bushfire recovery work

          construction, farming, or any other work in association with recovery or restitution of land, property, farm animals or wildlife
          support services or assistance to people living, working or volunteering in the affected areas.

          Examples of eligible specified work in bushfire recovery:

          re-building fences destroyed in a bushfire affected community
          caring for wildlife in a bushfire affected community
          support work for volunteer organisations assisting victims of bushfires
          demolition of buildings, trench digging, land clearing and earth moving
          residential and non-residential construction or renovation/repair, including of roads, footpaths, bridges, parking lots, fencing, railways, dams, irrigation systems, sewage and storm water drainage systems

          So from what you say, I’d say it counts. However as circumstances can change, this is just my oppinion.

          Enjoy Australia 🙂


  2. Ryan
    November 23, 2021 @ 1:28 am

    Does working in the construction of hospitals/ healthcare facilities in non regional postcodes count towards completing the regional work requirements for the 417 visa ? This would be considered an essential service?


    • Julian
      January 24, 2022 @ 9:27 am

      I am not aware that construction work counts as essential service if you build something for the health services.
      But maybe construction work might count towards that if you are in the right postcode area.

      Cheers Julian


  3. Graham zylstra
    February 2, 2022 @ 7:10 am

    I am still on a bridging visa from my second whv and need to apply for my 3rd one basically now, can I apply while on a bridging visa? I am calling department home affairs but I just am on hold for hours and no response every time. Please if you know at all what to do in this situation??


    • Julian
      February 3, 2022 @ 12:13 am

      Hi Graham,
      I am not aware if that’s possible or not. That would be probably something to ask an immigration adviser or immigration lawyer if you wanna be on the safe side.

      Just from my personal understanding I would think you can apply for the third year, because if you would be on the 2nd year you could apply for the 3rd as well.

      Maybe double check if your 2nd year is granted by now and you just missed the email.
      Login to your homeaffairs account and check the status there.

      Good luck, Julian


  4. M
    February 22, 2022 @ 8:51 pm

    I did more than 6 months of rural work on my 2nd year visa in 2019, but my visa expired the 17th of November. I thought I couldn’t apply for the third year since it wasn’t possibly to apply until 1 Jan 2020.
    However, looking at the requirements on the gov. site, there’s no information on when you had to complete your 6 months of work? Do you know if I can apply for a third year whv?


    • Julian
      March 1, 2022 @ 9:44 am

      Hi M,
      there is a lot of questions that you have not answered. So I can’t say anything final.
      If your country was able to apply for a third year at the time when you did your specific work days, you will be able to apply.
      All the days for the third visa would have been needed to be worked during your 2nd year.

      If you fullfilled that, you most likely will be able to apply for a third year if you still fullfill all the other requirements like age and so on.

      Final answers most likely can be just given by a immigration lawyer or immigration adviser.

      Feel free to contact Visapath Australia and have them look at your specific case. Just use our partnerlink:

      Best regards,



  5. Surya
    September 18, 2022 @ 6:08 am

    Hi Julian, I just found your blog.
    I am so confused about something. I am hired as Kitchen Hand and paid under ABN. And planning to work for 3 months, 1 week work is 45 hours. 6 days working.
    My question is, even if i paid under ABN, can i apply for 2nd year of WHV? Is it eligible for the 88 days? I hope you could give me some answer i am looking, i have looked everywhere but nothing about this, i am afraid if paid under ABN is not eligible, thank you so much.


    • Julian
      September 18, 2022 @ 10:39 am

      Hi Surya,
      thanks for your comment.

      Unfortunately working on your own ABN doesn’t count for your third year. No matter what job you do as you don’t qualify as an employer and therefore can’t be working for “an employer” in the right job at the right postcode.

      Sorry, Julian


  6. Romi
    June 13, 2024 @ 8:34 am

    Hi there! I´m collecting all my pay slips to apply for my 3rd WHV. It’s been a little bit messy for me because I was in AUS during COVID. I got my 2nd WHV from 20/may 2020 to April/2020 + NILL VAC visa from 23 aug 2022 to 2023. And after that I got the COVID visa from 30 jun 2023 to jun 2024. Can you help me out to define my timeframe of pay slips that are okay to include in my application for the 3rd year?
    Thank you in advance!


    • Julian
      June 13, 2024 @ 5:47 pm

      Hi Romi,
      thanks for the comment. Unfortunately we can’t really help with that. But I can take a guess on how I would count it.
      No guarantee that’s right or anything.

      So I would count the days during the 2nd regular visa, plus the days from the nil vac visa.

      I am not sure about the days during the covid visa, but it should be stated on the homeaffairs website if these count or not.

      Hope that helps, cheers Julian


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