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  1. Fiadhnait Brady
    February 14, 2023 @ 1:04 am

    I applied for a working holiday visa in August 2022 and it was granted. I am going to Australia to work for a year next week. A friend told me that I also need to apply for an ETA which I did. it was granted as 3 months and now I realise I don’t need it. can I cancel my ETA and go back to my original subclass 417 visa?


    • Julian
      March 8, 2023 @ 10:53 pm

      Hi Fiadhnait,
      as far as I am aware you can’t reverse this and might need to apply for another working holiday instead then.

      Sorry, the ETA is just meant to be if you don’t have another visa. So the recommendation of your friend was wrong.

      Cheers Julian


  2. Hannah
    June 27, 2023 @ 6:58 pm

    hi Fiadhnait. did you find out if you needed to reapply for your subclass 417 visa or was it accepted? I also have made the same mistake.


    • Evelina
      January 29, 2024 @ 5:12 pm

      I have made the same mistake, what did you end up doing? did you have to reapply?


  3. Brian
    November 6, 2023 @ 12:30 pm


    I was granted a Work and Holiday visa (subclass 462) on 8 May 2023. However, I did not activate it.

    I decided to travel to Australia 1 July 2023 to see if I enjoyed the country first.

    I entered Australia using the Eletronic Travel Authorization (subclass 601). Is my 462 still valid since it was granted, offshore, before entry to Australia? Or did the 601 void it?


    • Julian
      November 24, 2023 @ 8:31 pm

      Hi Brian,
      as you can have just one active visa. Most likely the 601 did void it. You should be able to see the visa status via the homeaffairs website.

      Hope that helps.



  4. Nadine
    November 27, 2023 @ 11:56 pm

    Hi Julian,

    my first WHV will expire soon and I’m planning on leaving the country and apply for an ETA to be able to re-enter and travel for 3 months before going home to Germany. Do you think they are gonna approve my ETA without any issues? thank you so much.


    • Julian
      November 29, 2023 @ 9:20 pm

      Hi Nadine,
      usually that won’t be an issue. Just make sure to fulfill all the requirements for an ETA.



  5. Daniel
    May 2, 2024 @ 1:08 pm

    Hi! thank you for the information. I have a question. I already apply offshore for my first Working Holiday visa 462. it’s been 2 months already and I’m still waiting for an answer. I was wondering if I apply now for the eVisitor 651 I would be able to enter the Country? ( I have my apartment and other business to manage that’s why I need to come back).

    So let’s say I’m granted a 651. If I’m inside the country my WHM would still be processed and before they approved they contact me and tell me they will grant it once I’m outside? would work this way? thank you


    • Julian
      May 5, 2024 @ 7:59 am

      Hi Daniel,
      from my understanding you can just have one current visa. So if you apply for a 651 and enter the country, you couldn’t get the working holiday visa anymore. Because the working holiday visa (1st year) can just be granted if you are outside Australia.

      Hope that helps. Maybe best to contact an immigration adviser or lawyer for your specific case and details.

      Cheers, Julian


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