Try Shamanic Sound Healing – Things to do in Koh Phangan Thailand
Did you ever try a Shamanic Sound Healing? Last year while travelling through Thailand with my best friend (🐯 Vicky) we spent a week on Koh Phangan. Yes the island with the famous full moon party. But since my first visit in 2008 Koh Phangan became a center for spirituality. You will find a lot of Yoga places, healthy food and Shamanic Sound Healing. Someone told me Koh Phangan is the new Bali.
Always talk to other Travellers
You would not believe how many times I found about special places just because i started a conversation with a stranger. A backpacker, a traveler. Sometimes those conversations can also turn into new friendships. This is how I met Elea and her boyfriend. They recommended that we have to try the Shamanic Sound Healing. WHAT ?Maybe like you, i never heard about Shamanic Sound Healing before. EVER!
Elea sparked our interest. Actually she did not reveal to much about Shamanic Sound Healing. Maybe this was the key. I was super interested.
What Is Shamanic Sound Healing?
After our trip in Thailand i can say that the s the Shamanic Sound Healing was one of our absolute highlights. It was so different. That even for me after travelling for the last 5 years i was surprised. Everyone was lying on the floor in a relax position. And 4 Shamans walked through the room. Playing an incredible different style of music. A world journey. With instruments I have never seen before:
Didgeridoo, Djembe, Gong, Hang, Kalimba, Monochord and Wind Chimes to just name a view! (More Info on the website of journey to your hearts*)
The vibrations of of the unique Instruments resonated with my body. I opened up. I relaxed an I was drifting away in my thoughts. Through out history we have many cultures who uses music and sound for healing purpose. The Greeks, the Egyptians and even the aboriginals from Australia.
I never experienced something like that! But I believe that the whole world is connected. And the melodies and vibrations can have an impact on our body and our emotions. How many times have you listen to music that gave you a certain feeling?
For a more detailed description on the history of Shamanic Sound Healing, the use and the healing and the spirit behind check out the Website journey to your hearts*.
Why do I write about the Shamanic Sound Healing
After the session was over Vicky and I where just starring at each other. We could not believe what just happened. Time was flying by. The session was 1 hour and 30 minutes. I was really impressed! I could feel that something changed. I had memorizes i did not have for years. I guess everyone will experience the Shamanic Sound Healing a bit different.
The Shamanic Sound Healing Session at the Orion Healing Center was free. After the session you can give what ever you think it was worth to you.
Davide D'Agostino is the founder of Journey to Your Hearts and one of the shamans who do the Shamanic Sound Healing on Koh Phangan.
Next month my parants will go to Thailand and they asked me what they should do. This was the first thing that came to my mind.
I don't get paid for this article or the links that i placed to the website. I really believe that this should get more exposure. Because the Shamanic Sound Healing from Davide D'Agostino is amazing. Go follow him at Instagram and Facebook and subscribe to his YouTube Channel.
Listen to Shamanic Sound Healing (VOL1) on SoundCloud
Location Shamanic Sound Healing Koh Phangan
When you come to Koh Phangan in Thailand check out the Shamanic Sound Healing. It is currently at the ORION HEALING CENTRE Koh Phangan.
Every Sunday at 7.30 pm to 9.00 pm in Circle Shala of Orion Healing Centre ✩ Google Maps
For the current times also check the Upcoming Events on journey to your hearts.
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Ciao Daniel 🙂
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